Take a few moments to survey what you'll need to get through until November 1st, when the season is supposed to end. Do you have all the supplies you need? Are your branches around your home trimmed? Have you cleaned out your garage so your car will fit? Gotcha with that one!
Items for Your Hurricane Supply Kit:
- Flashlights
- Tons of batteries of all types
- Beer, wine, Jack Daniels or all three (optional for some, mandatory for others, especially when you are hosting evacuees)
- Clean laundry (you might not be able to do it for a long time)
- Bug Spray
- Sunscreen
- Canned foods, cookies, crackers, cheez whiz, etc.
- Pop Tarts (this is a stress busting favorite)
- Water - for drinking and toilet flushing when the water system doesn't work
- Tarps to repair roof damage - something to attach tarps (nails, tools)
- Lots of Towels
- Valuable papers in ziplocks
- Lots of Gas in the car
- Lots of Gas for your grill
- Secure your grill
- Weather radio with extra batteries (see above)
- Regular radio for news and maybe music
- Books, crayons, paper and games to read/play when you have no power
- Baby supplies in bulk
- Baby wipes in bulk (this is your shower)
- A good supply of shorts and t-shirts, sleeveless shirts and undies
- Pet food/Carrier
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