Florida Yard Dog
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Favorite Florida Authors: Randy Wayne White

Florida authors always seem to have a unique voice. Capturing the Florida lifestlye can be tricky, and an author really needs to live here to do it justice. Just my opinion.

I enjoy Randy Wayne White's books. I read Sanibel Flats years ago and was hooked, and look forward each spring to a new book in this long-running series. Doc Ford is the hero and is the kind of person many men wish they could be. His sidekick is Tomlinson, who manages to push the envelope of normality while being the most human character in these books.

Doc is a "retired" covert operative/marine biologist, and most of the books have him pulled back into the black world thanks to his former life. A couple of the books are lighter fare with a bit more humor, and I particularly enjoyed The Man Who Invented Florida.
