Fall in Florida?
We've come back recently to Florida after living two years in northern Alabama. I am finding what I miss most is a real Fall season.
In Alabama you get the traditional Fall, colorful leaves, cool weather, pumpkin farms - the things they like to fake here in Florida. In Florida and elsewhere in the lower south, you do get football, but you get to watch it in desert-like heat. If you want to lose some weight, just go attend a Gator game at 1pm on a Saturday. I once drank ten twelve ounce Cokes at a game and never had to go to the bathroom. That's how much you sweat sitting in those stands. You can go to Michael's and buy fake fall leaves and pumpkins and pretend we live in a real Fall-producing climate. You can turn the air conditioning down to 65 and pretend you live in a cooler climate. You can even go to the local pumpkin pile on the street corner and buy a pumpkin from the lands where pumpkins actually grow. These things help a little.
In Florida, I guess it helps to just throw in the towel, to let Fall go. The weather does start to break from the 100's to the 90's, maybe some 80's. It's a nice time to actually go to the beach and the pool doesn't bubble with boiling water. You can go swelter a bit less at some local art and music festivals. It actually starts to feel a bit cooler, so you might contemplate walking around the block.
I guess finally I could visualize something else, Australia. After all, it soon will be summer in Australia and they get to have Christmas in 100 degree heat. I guess Florida has something to offer for Fall and Winter - it's better than Australia!
In Alabama you get the traditional Fall, colorful leaves, cool weather, pumpkin farms - the things they like to fake here in Florida. In Florida and elsewhere in the lower south, you do get football, but you get to watch it in desert-like heat. If you want to lose some weight, just go attend a Gator game at 1pm on a Saturday. I once drank ten twelve ounce Cokes at a game and never had to go to the bathroom. That's how much you sweat sitting in those stands. You can go to Michael's and buy fake fall leaves and pumpkins and pretend we live in a real Fall-producing climate. You can turn the air conditioning down to 65 and pretend you live in a cooler climate. You can even go to the local pumpkin pile on the street corner and buy a pumpkin from the lands where pumpkins actually grow. These things help a little.
In Florida, I guess it helps to just throw in the towel, to let Fall go. The weather does start to break from the 100's to the 90's, maybe some 80's. It's a nice time to actually go to the beach and the pool doesn't bubble with boiling water. You can go swelter a bit less at some local art and music festivals. It actually starts to feel a bit cooler, so you might contemplate walking around the block.
I guess finally I could visualize something else, Australia. After all, it soon will be summer in Australia and they get to have Christmas in 100 degree heat. I guess Florida has something to offer for Fall and Winter - it's better than Australia!
Atlas V launch last weekend
A couple days ago we told you there would be a launch of an Atlas V rocket. Here's a couple shots I got with the ole' cell phone cam, as seen from Indialantic Beach looking north to Cape Canaveral:
It Be Talk Like A Pirate Day
Arrgh, avast ye faithful readers,
If ye dint know, it be National Talk Like a Pirate Day today! So regail and revel in that that be your own! Talk yer dirty talk to the scummy masses today! Let 'em know that ye arrrr a pirate at heart! Florida be home to many pirates, ye see..........all enjoyed the sandy coast of this mosquito ridden spit o' sand. So hoist some grog, see the sun set o'r the vivid blue yonder. Be shure to take a sail if ye have a boat amongst ye.
If ye dint know, it be National Talk Like a Pirate Day today! So regail and revel in that that be your own! Talk yer dirty talk to the scummy masses today! Let 'em know that ye arrrr a pirate at heart! Florida be home to many pirates, ye see..........all enjoyed the sandy coast of this mosquito ridden spit o' sand. So hoist some grog, see the sun set o'r the vivid blue yonder. Be shure to take a sail if ye have a boat amongst ye.
End of Summer Ice Cream

Suggestions for food include fresh fruits - like watermelons and cataloupe, barbeque or burgers, potato salad, shrimp, and of course, homemade ice cream. Whether you use the handcrank version or the electric freezer, it all tastes good.
Excellent Homemade Ice Cream Recipe
Makes One Quart - double or triple as necessary for the capacity of your freezer.
If using an a freezer with a freeze ahead cylinder, make sure it freezes for 24 hours in advance of use.
Beat one large whole egg plus 1 large egg yolk along with 3/4 cup sugar. Add a pinch of salt. Mix in 1/2 cup plus a little extra whole milk. Cook in saucepan over medium to medium low heat for 8-10 minutes, stirring constantly. When it thickens/bubbles, transfer the pan from the stove to an ice bath if you are going to make the ice cream right away. Or place mixture in the refrigerator overnight to cool down. If using the ice bath, stir your mixture as it cools down.
When ready to make ice cream, stir in one cup of half and half and 1/2 teaspoon of real vanilla extract. Pour mix into ice cream freezer cylinder. Begin mixing and then add additional half and half to the cylinder until the dasher is completely covered. Freeze at least 20-30 minutes or until your machine notifies you that it is done. If your group likes the ice cream really soft, you can serve it now. Otherwise, remove the dasher, getting children to lick it for you, and cover the cylinder, then move to the freezer to set at least 30 more minutes. Serve plain or with fruit or chocolate.